A baby girl had been born and it was time to celebrate. The night after Boboette joined our posse, my good friend 'Austin' stopped by the hospital to meet the world's next oenophile. Two days locked up in a hospital room without any wine is hard labor (excuse the pun), so we bolted for the only upscale bar/restaurant in Princeton with a decent wine list, Mediterra. Our stated reason for leaving the hospital was to retrieve a couple pizzas for dinner, but a toast to Boboette was overdue (my wife does not believe that it took two hours to make the pies). The restaurant was packed, but a couple seats where available at the beautiful chrome bar. A bottle of Nicolas Feuillate, Champagne, Brut, NV satisfied our needs. The wine was good, with medium sized bubbles and nice a nice chalky finish.
As I savored the moment, 'Austin' engaged in his usual habit of shamelessly hitting on the nearest female, who in this case happened to be a black haired former model. The next ten minutes featured a barage of repulsive one liners. The irony of the situation hit me as I pounded back the last glass of Champagne. Here I was, glowing in the realization that I had just become a father, and 'Austin' was preoccupied with securing yet another one night stand. The old saying that 'some things/people never change' seemed very appropiate.
In keeping with our usual tradition, we finished with a couple glasses of port. A 1996 Dow was a little hard to drink at this stage, but it showed good fruit. Speaking of fruitiness, 'Austin' called the next morning and recapped his conquest of the previous evening (which I spent curled up on a hard hospital chair). I immediately scolded him for his shallow and tiresome actions, but 'Austin' pointed out that he had felt obligated to defend my reputation.
"How were you defending my reputation exactly?," I asked.
"I had to go all the way in order to prove that she was wrong," he responded.
"Wrong about what?"
"Well, she saw us sitting at the bar drinking Champagne," he replied.
"She said that she lived in New York for three years, and the only guys she ever saw drinking Champagne were gay!"
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